Reconnecting with Nature – Landscape Architects at the forefront of the sustainable and creative urban transformation

Pozvánka na konferenci New European Bauhaus Conference s podtitulem ‚Reconnecting with Nature – Landscape Architects at the forefront of the sustainable and creative urban transformation‘, kterou pořádá IFLA Europe v sobotu 11.6.2022 od 14:00 do 19:30. Konference bude probíhat hybridně: offline na Fakultě architektury v Bruselu a online přes platformu Zoom.
It is my pleasure to invite you to the hybrid New European Bauhaus Conference entitled ‚Reconnecting with Nature – Landscape Architects at the forefront of the sustainable and creative urban transformation‘ that IFLA Europe is organising on Saturday, 11 June 2022, 14.00-19.30 both in person at the ULB Faculty of Architecture, Place Flagey in Brussels and online .
Cities have become the focus of sustainability issues as they are major consumers and distributors of goods and services. They have an ecological impact much beyond their geographic locations. Calls for humankind to reconnect with nature to forward sustainability and resilience cannot be ignored anymore. Therefore, we have to re-connect with nature in our social and ecological systems, to the urban landscapes, to fight against environmental crises in our cities. There is an urgent need to transform our cities towards a more intact and resilient urban nature for a better future of our citizens. Interventions that respond to certain everyday needs of people in their public spaces can have multiple catalysing benefits for urban communities. Besides the tangible improvement of the environment, socio-ecological design, innovation practices in public spaces strengthen community cohesion, awareness of the common good, and finally the motivation towards further engagement in spatial transformation processes.
Landscape Architects together with associated disciplines can make the difference. We understand nature and public space as a real-world laboratory where we interact with citizens and in transdisciplinary contexts. Therefore we invite neighbouring disciplines, academics, citizens and public officials to our “Places” event. The designers, artists and academics will interact with users and foster the discussion of the future of reconnecting nature and the city both through activating a university auditorium and an urban space, connecting theory and practice. During this New European Bauhaus Festival, we would like to demonstrate how landscape, nature and the disciplines working with nature are key factors for our European cities. The Faculty of Architecture Auditorium and the Place Flagey in Brussels is the perfect place to demonstrate the urgent need of urban transformation.
For those participating online, please register in advance at the following link: .