- Termín:
- přihlášky do 15.6.2022
- Pořadatel:
- IFLA Europe, Agricultural Landscapes Working Group
- Zdroj:
- https://iflaeurope.eu/index.php/site/general/rural-landscapes-photo-competition
IFLA Europe pořádá fotografickou soutěž s tématem venkovské krajiny. Ta zabírá rozsáhlou plochu Evropy, a přesto bývá přehlížená. Podmínkou účasti je zaslat fotografii zobrazující tradiční krajinu země, ze které soutěžící pochází. Uzávěrka je 15. června 2022. Vítězné fotografie budou publikovány na webových stránkách IFLA.
IFLA Europe and its Agricultural Landscapes Working Group launched today ‚Rural Landscapes Photo Competition‘!
Agricultural Landscapes take up 39% of European lands, presenting a palimpsest of human interaction with nature and creating an extensive ‘green infrastructure’, when sustainably cultivated, with socio-ecological impact to everyday lives of people. Yet, these valuable landscapes, often in close relation with urbanised lands, do not receive the acknowledgement, the ontological planning and the design they deserve.
Unknown to most of citizens, the agricultural landscapes are seen as a background of holidays, many times idealised as ‘scenery’. Therefore Landscape Architects are committed to take actions towards their recognition as productive landscapes, important to produce ecosystem services with recreational valuable place on earth.
IFLA Europe Agricultural Landscape Working Group invites professionals and non-professionals to submit images of their ‘idealised’ but also of their everyday agricultural landscapes! Participants from all over Europe are asked to submit a photograph (at least 300 dpi) representing the main characteristics of the traditional agricultural/forestry/livestock landscape and seascape!
Important deadlines:
31 January 2022 – Launch of the Competition
15 June 2022 – Deadline for sending the entries
30 June 2022 – Jury review
15 September 2022 – Proclamation of the winner
October 2022 – Virtual Exhibition with eminent guide presentations. Video will be presented at IFLA Europe General Assembly 2022!
1st Prize: 500€ and a comprehensive article including additional images and documentation of the context of the awarded images which will be published on the IFLA Europe website and social media.
2nd -5th Prize: comprehensive article including additional images and documentation of the context of the awarded images which will be published on the IFLA Europe website and social media.
For all information about how to apply, who can participate and what materials need to be sent, visit our IFLA EUROPE Rural Landscapes Photo Competition website!